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Zach: Day 19 of 10,220 (Sunday recap)

     Happy Rosh Hashanah Dan Wain!!  Rosh Hasanah is observed on the first Day of Tishrei and is the first holiday of the Yasseret Yemei Teshuva which are 10 days set aside to focus on repentence which conclude with the holiday of Yom Kippur. 

   Yesterday was a very slow and lazy day for me.   I was exhausted from the weekends festivities and kept watching football and postponing my run.  I had to drive from Columbia back to Pawleys Island last night by way of Charleston.  I ended up stopping in Charleston for a couple of hours and watching more football, and eventually arrived at Pawleys Island around 9:00.  I hadn't eaten much all day so I called in a Jalepeno Cheddar burger which was waiting on me when I walked through the door.  I scarfed down the burger and hurried upstairs to prepare for my run.  I arrived at the church on Pawleys Island around 9:30 and immediately completed 25 push-ups and began my run to the south wearing a yellow Sam's Corner cutoff, khaki Columbia swim trunks and Nike tennis shoes. 

   As soon as I began my run I passed a bunch of drunk people who were stumbling around one of the beach houses after what appeared to be some sort of reception.  I gave them a big thumbs up and received some loud cheers of encouragement from all present.  This provided the motivation that I needed and I ended up running roughly 2.5 miles fueled only by the cheers of the drunken party I had just passed.  I couldn't let down the fans.  On the way back the Jalepeno Cheddar Burger began to announce its presence with authority so I had to hustle back to the car.  I got home banged out 25 push-ups, took a shower, and went to bed to catch up on some much needed zzzzz's. 

   I got to sleep in this morning and I'm feeling great about today's run which will probably come in the late afternoon.

Zach's quote for the Day: 

"We are such spendthrifts with our lives. The trick of living is to slip on and off the planet with the least fuss you can muster. I'm not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out."  -Paul Newman

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