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Kevin: Day 5107

Willpower GIF - Willpower It Takes Willpower Push Away GIFs

Day 5107. All I can think about physically today is my throat. It went from totally fine one second, to very sore on the lower left side when swallowing the next. I was incredibly concerned at first and am still concerned, but figure we'll see how it feels in the morning. It did happen right when I had paused from eating and perhaps I had scarfed something down too fast. I've gotten a little carried away over the past yeat with the practice of, "feeding", as opposed to eating. I often eat quick and for sustenance and nutritional purposes, not so much for the experience or taste.

One of the mantras that runs through my head is that a few minutes of pleasure, like eating a real hamburger, i.e., one that has a bun, are not worth it in comparison to the benefits of eating well and feeling and looking well all day every day. I have added sweets into the mix on the weekend, and they can get a little out of hand. But, I have found that I've still been able to refrain from cake, cookies, or ice cream on weekdays. I have drawn a somewhat hardline and it has worked. 

Today was Fina's first day of Pre-K4. It was odd. I didn't feel too emotional on the surface. But, the second I walked away I had to hold back the tears. I haven't done it yet, but I was thinking it might be helpful to find a moment of solice and tap into those emotions and let those tears flow.I think the moment may have passed though. 

It was hot today. I was able to squeeze in a free weight workout and 4 mile or so run. My schedule is still not in my control with baby Merrick. Nothing too substantial to point out today. My run down North Cap to New York Ave was a little later in the morning than normal. With the later time, there were more of the homeless or downtrodden individuals on the street. I can't get a feel for whether this is getting worse or staying the same, but I'm pretty confident it has not improved.

Guess that's about it for today. Streak on.

4.2 miles down

6 dogs

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